Monday, October 6, 2008

Look Who's Smiling!


Unknown said...

Darling kid, goofy dad! I love hearing Amanda talking to Kodi :-)

Vicki Aeschliman said...

what a cutie, of course I mean kodi.

Lindsay said...

She is so stinkin cute! Todd- that was funny!

Lindsey said...

Awwww...I messher and you guys!

Lindsey said...

*miss her... sorry can't type

gram said...

I sure enjoy having another baby great grand children. What a cutie! I am so blessed.

Alyssa said...

I love the first smiles. Melts our hearts as moms for sure:). I still love them:)!
Thanks for posting that

cindy said...

That was soooo funny, we had a long day and it made Uncle Mark and I just laugh out loud. You are so funny Todd. We have been praying for you, I know you can do it, GOD gave you wings!!
Love you all,
Aunt Cindy

Dakotta sure loves to be talked too!!!

Leah Wentzel said...

dakota is so adorable and apparently her dad is starved for attention :)

I saw him in the background working feverishly on you guys' blog to give us updates :)

we all love it

Shelly Marie said...

That was to cute!!!

Todd you have a great smile too!!! =)