Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Business Time

I wanted to add this video, because it is a lot like our Wednedays. So here's kind of a "Wednesday in the life" of Todd and Amanda.

The Poopy Monster!

So two nights ago, Todd was doing the nightly ritual of getting Caleb ready for bed which always includes naked time, a bath, diaper time, clothes, and a bottle (Todd wanted me to clarify that "naked time" really only pertains to Caleb). So as usual, Todd stripped Caleb down to nothing and let him play while he got the bath ready. Recently, Caleb has been enjoying the "walk-a-long" toy which allows him to walk everywhere while playing music. Todd went to check the water temperature and when he came out of the bathroom, Caleb had made it about 15ft. accross the living room. Todd was pretty proud of Caleb because he made it that far all by himself. Todd noticed that Smokey and Bandit were sitting by Caleb. Todd had also noticed that there was some sort of dark spot on Caleb's butt. So Todd walked closer to realize that Caleb had "layed" a couple "Cadberry Eggs". Todd realized why the cats were so interested in Caleb. They were delighted that Caleb just produced new "play toys" for them. Needles to say, Caleb is still not potty trained.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Hello from the Snyder Family!

well aparently I'm one of the last women in the huge family to do a blog site. All you girls are showing me up because you are all VERY good at keeping EVERYONE updated :) Grandma always informs me that "Leah updates me", "Shelly updates me", "Did you know Lindsay is so good at updating everyone?", "Alyssa always updates me"....hahaha. So I think I should start updating :) Two weeks from yesterday is Todd's Olympic Trials. So we will all be in New York City cheering him on! (and shopping :) ). It is such an amazing thing to actually see Todd running again and to know that he will actually be running a marathon. A couple months ago we never would have believed it, considering a Dr. even told Todd that he could pretty much kiss his running career good bye. It's awesome how God works in surprises. Caleb just turned 11 months today and will be ONE YEAR old on the 20th of November. Todd and me are working on almost two years of marriage and what an adventure and wonderful ride it has been! God has blessed me with the two most wonderful boys. It makes me feel so loved that God designed Todd for me and actually loves me so much that he feels I deserve Todd AND Caleb. Thank you God for loving me and my family. Thank you for a wonderful day and for a healthy family. Continue to protect us all from the enemy.
Well there was my first blog. I'm gonna have to try and figure out how to put pics and everything else on here now! If any of you have tips....let me know! We love you all!